How to Craft All-Natural Chocolate / Chai / Matcha Drinks


Kakaoda Chocolate

What you need:


  • 20g Chocolate.
  • 35ml Hot Water (80°c).
  • 145ml Steamed Milk. (65-70°c)


  • Kettle
  • Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
  • Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
  • 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
  • Scales
  • Electric Whisk/Stirring Utensil

How To:

  1. Stir/whisk chocolate and hot water into an even elixir in your cup.
  2. Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternate method.
  3. Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
  4. Optional: Garnish with chocolate dust.

What you need:


  • 15g Chai.
  • 15ml Hot Water (90°c).
  • 170ml Steamed Milk (65-70°c).


  • Kettle
  • Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
  • Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
  • 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
  • Scales
  • Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil

 How To:

  1. Stir/whisk chai and hot water into an even elixir in your cup.
  2. Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternate method.
  3. Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
  4. Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon.
Sticki Chai

What you need:


  • 25g Stickichai
  • 75ml Hot Water
  • 100ml Milk


  • Kettle
  • Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
  • Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
  • 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
  • Scales
  • Tea Strainer

How To:

  1. Add Stickichai into your tea strainer and place in your cup.
  2. Add hot water and let it steep for 3-5 minutes (or until desired strength).
  3. Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternative method.
  4. Remove your strainer. Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
  5. Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon.

Alternate brewing method:

  1. Add Stickichai straight into 175ml of milk, in your milk jug.
  2. Let steep for a few minutes and then use a steamer wand to heat milk and further brew chai.
  3. Pour through a strainer into your cup.
  4. Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon.
Matcha Man

What you need:


  • 10g Matcha
  • 30ml Hot Water
  • 170ml Steamed Milk


  • Kettle
  • Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
  • Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
  • 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
  • Scales
  • Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil

How To:

  1. Stir/whisk Matcha and hot water into an even elixir in your cup.
  2. Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternative method.
  3. Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
  4. Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon


Kakaoda Chocolate

What you need:


  • 30g Chocolate.
  • 40ml Hot Water (80°c).
  • 145ml Milk
  • Scoop of Ice


  • Kettle
  • Scales
  • 200-280ml Cup/Glass.
  • Separate dish to mix Elixir in
  • Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil

How To:

  1. Stir/whisk chocolate and hot water into an even elixir in your separate dish.
  2. Fill your glass with ice. Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
  3. Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
  4. Optional: Garnish with chocolate dust.

What you need:


  • 30g Chai.
  • 30ml Hot Water (80°c).
  • 175ml Milk
  • Scoop of Ice


  • Kettle
  • Scales
  • 200-280ml Cup/Glass
  • Separate dish to mix Elixir in
  • Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil

How To:

  1. Stir/whisk chai and hot water into an even elixir in your separate dish.
  2. Fill your glass with ice.
  3. Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
  4. Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
  5. Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon

Sticki Chai

What you need:


  • 25g Stickichai.
  • 75ml Hot Water (80°c).
  • 100ml Milk
  • Scoop of Ice


  • Kettle
  • Scales
  • 200-280ml Cup/Glass.
  • Tea Strainer
  • Separate Vice to Steep Stickichai in

How To:

  1. Add Stickichai into your tea strainer and place your seperate brewing vice.
  2. Add hot water and let steep for 3-5 minutes (or until desired strength).
  3. Fill your glass with ice.
  4. Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
  5. Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
  6. Optional: Garnish with Chai Dust or cinnamon.
Matcha Man

What you need:


  • 20g Matcha
  • 40ml Hot Water (80°C)
  • 170ml Milk
  • Scoop of Ice


  • Kettle
  • Scales
  • 200-280ml cup/mug
  • Separate dish to mix Elixir in
  • Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil

How To:

  1. Stir/whisk Matcha and hot water into an even elixir in your separate dish.
  2. Fill your glass with ice.
  3. Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
  4. Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
  5. Optional: Garnish with chai dust or Cinnamon