How to Craft All-Natural Chocolate / Chai / Matcha Drinks
Kakaoda Chocolate
What you need:
- 20g Chocolate.
- 35ml Hot Water (80°c).
- 145ml Steamed Milk. (65-70°c)
- Kettle
- Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
- Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
- 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
- Scales
- Electric Whisk/Stirring Utensil
How To:
- Stir/whisk chocolate and hot water into an even elixir in your cup.
- Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternate method.
- Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
- Optional: Garnish with chocolate dust.
What you need:
- 15g Chai.
- 15ml Hot Water (90°c).
- 170ml Steamed Milk (65-70°c).
- Kettle
- Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
- Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
- 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
- Scales
- Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil
How To:
- Stir/whisk chai and hot water into an even elixir in your cup.
- Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternate method.
- Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
- Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon.
Sticki Chai
What you need:
- 25g Stickichai
- 75ml Hot Water
- 100ml Milk
- Kettle
- Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
- Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
- 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
- Scales
- Tea Strainer
How To:
- Add Stickichai into your tea strainer and place in your cup.
- Add hot water and let it steep for 3-5 minutes (or until desired strength).
- Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternative method.
- Remove your strainer. Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
- Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon.
Alternate brewing method:
- Add Stickichai straight into 175ml of milk, in your milk jug.
- Let steep for a few minutes and then use a steamer wand to heat milk and further brew chai.
- Pour through a strainer into your cup.
- Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon.
Matcha Man
What you need:
- 10g Matcha
- 30ml Hot Water
- 170ml Steamed Milk
- Kettle
- Milk Steaming Wand (or preferred heating alternative)
- Steam Jug (or alternate vessel for heating milk.)
- 200-280ml Cup/Mug.
- Scales
- Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil
How To:
- Stir/whisk Matcha and hot water into an even elixir in your cup.
- Steam milk until desired temperature. *Or heat in your preferred alternative method.
- Pour milk into elixir in your cup.
- Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon
Kakaoda Chocolate
What you need:
- 30g Chocolate.
- 40ml Hot Water (80°c).
- 145ml Milk
- Scoop of Ice
- Kettle
- Scales
- 200-280ml Cup/Glass.
- Separate dish to mix Elixir in
- Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil
How To:
- Stir/whisk chocolate and hot water into an even elixir in your separate dish.
- Fill your glass with ice. Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
- Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
- Optional: Garnish with chocolate dust.
What you need:
- 30g Chai.
- 30ml Hot Water (80°c).
- 175ml Milk
- Scoop of Ice
- Kettle
- Scales
- 200-280ml Cup/Glass
- Separate dish to mix Elixir in
- Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil
How To:
- Stir/whisk chai and hot water into an even elixir in your separate dish.
- Fill your glass with ice.
- Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
- Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
- Optional: Garnish with chai dust or cinnamon
Sticki Chai
What you need:
- 25g Stickichai.
- 75ml Hot Water (80°c).
- 100ml Milk
- Scoop of Ice
- Kettle
- Scales
- 200-280ml Cup/Glass.
- Tea Strainer
- Separate Vice to Steep Stickichai in
How To:
- Add Stickichai into your tea strainer and place your seperate brewing vice.
- Add hot water and let steep for 3-5 minutes (or until desired strength).
- Fill your glass with ice.
- Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
- Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
- Optional: Garnish with Chai Dust or cinnamon.
Matcha Man
What you need:
- 20g Matcha
- 40ml Hot Water (80°C)
- 170ml Milk
- Scoop of Ice
- Kettle
- Scales
- 200-280ml cup/mug
- Separate dish to mix Elixir in
- Electric Whisk/ Stirring Utensil
How To:
- Stir/whisk Matcha and hot water into an even elixir in your separate dish.
- Fill your glass with ice.
- Top with milk making sure to leave enough room for elixir.
- Pour elixir into glass. Stir to emulsify flavours.
- Optional: Garnish with chai dust or Cinnamon