What we really like to prescribe is actually the same as exercise. Its just regular and consistent but also GENTLE. We so often assume everything in life has to have the magic metric table delivering all powering polyphenols and catechins (most of which provide the bitter notes to our tea) this is very true and modern science has delivered us sweet success in an age of indecisiveness, over complication and who can deny over consumption. Tea is here and always has been here to simply remind us of simplicity. To sit and prepare your tea and remind yourself of what unimaginable flavours can be delivered from a simple botanical. This process of slow and deliberate focus is and should be looked at as your health. 

From waking up early, taking in some great volume of cardio workout to then being subjected to the latest suburban magic diet, working towards success whilst managing or not managing a family is quite the 'Groundhog Day' experience for many in suburban consciousness. What tea does is bring you back into something that does not need to be over complicated. Tea can deliver you to 'calm', it can be a meditation tool, an uplifting study tool and equally an efervescent bloom to your daily life. Tea can be shared with close friends, colleagues (and even enemies as was done to mark conquests) and equally delivered in unimaginable beauty to an individual to provide a peace to a restless, unceasing world. 

Understanding wellbeing from the perspective of tea is more about regarding the Eastern view of health. This approach suggests maintaining a lifestyle which is not about retaining a result today or tomorrow but rather an unmarked time in your journey - your future. Taking the time for tea each day is like a practise to not only look forward to but similarly remind you of that gentle guidance towards a balanced lifestyle which encourages slow more conscious decisions. 

Daily practise

  • Take a new tea of your selection
  • Boil a pot (hopefully guided by a temperature controlled teapot) prepare your tea in your favourite vessel
  • Sit somewhere uncluttered and clean with fresh air if you can
  • Enjoy a series of infusions and gently observe a transformation in flavours and bouquet
  • Observe as you do the subtle changes that takes place over you

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Amazing Benefits of Drinking Tea

Protects Healthy Hearts

Tea contains anti-inflammatory properties that help soften hard arteries. Drinking tea may also help decrease high blood pressure as well as lowering cholesterol.

Aid in Weight Loss

Thanks to its chemical composition, Green Tea may help accelerate weight loss. Green Tea contains amino acids that signal to the body to burn its stored fat.

Supports Mental Health

Drinking tea regularly has been linked to a lower risk of neurological disease. What’s more, tea’s natural calming effects can reduce stress and help you unwind after a busy day.

Why you should be brewing leaf tea

Higher Quality

Most bagged teas available from the supermarket are mass produced and made using dust and fanning (the tiny bits of tea left from the production of loose leaf tea which contains less nutrients).

Greater Health Benefits

Tea boasts antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which can contribute to your overall wellness. Catechins are the primary chemicals responsible for the health claims of green tea and are found in high concentrations in fresh tea leaves.

Fresh is Best

Mass-produced tea bags are generally filled with tea leaves from different locations that have usually travelled great distances before they reach supermarket shelves, making it less fresh whilst also carrying bigger carbon footprint.

Better Aroma and Flavour

Mass-produced bagged tea has been blended for standardisation and consistency. This means nutrient levels and nuanced flavour profiles are hugely reduced.

Better for the Environment

Tea leaves contain important human high functioning elements including potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen and many other trace minerals and polyphenols (antioxidants) both theaflavins and catechins. These elements are equally vital for healthy growing plants. Simply spread the used leaves over soil for perfect composting and garden health.