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Immunitea | Mate and Mullein Herbal Blend for Flu and Cold Symptoms


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The perfect blend of immune supporting herbs, brewed to make a delicious and soothing remedy to help keep you strong. Hint: A lick of honey for those who are sweetly inclined.

Ingredients: Mate, Mullein Herb, Echinacea, Lemon Myrtle, Astragalus, Siberian Ginseng
Flavour Profile: Slightly Sweet, Citrus, Refreshing, Grassy
Caffeine: Low

*Please keep in mind tea leaf and herbal characteristics can vary from batch to batch, due to sourcing availability and season of the crop.

Tea Journeys difference
Our Herbal Industry Standard
Always Fresh shipped from origin direct Often stale, herbs are NOT direct from origin but rather through large global buyers that remain in enormous distribution centres
Organic whereby constituting superior quality Not all organic means better! Some organic produced by big business remains inferior in quality
Blends are designed to be similar in botanic size ensuring effective transfer of flavour with water infusion Often mismatched leaf/botanic sizes as not sourced and blended for quality
No pre-dehydrated fruits are used we only use all-natural dried fruits Often dehydrated fruits that are used in blends are flavourless and re-hydrated with flavour mists to replicate the original flavour
Best Brew

Brew Guide Herbal


The story begins with the invigorating notes of Mate, its earthy richness sets the stage for a blend that will unfold as a melody of health and wellness. Mullein Herb steps in as the soothing interlude, harvested from meadows and hillsides. Its velvety leaves are known for their calming properties, offering a gentle respite amidst the energising notes of mate. Echinacea, with its vibrant purple petals, weaves a protective shield into the blend. Traditionally revered for its potential immune-supporting properties, echinacea adds depth and purpose, contributing to the wellness-focused narrative. Lemon Myrtle, with its zesty and uplifting aroma, joins the ensemble. Sourced from the Australian rainforests, its citrusy notes add brightness and a refreshing quality to the blend. Astragalus, a revered herb in traditional Chinese medicine, brings rooted resilience to the story. Harvested from the vast landscapes of Asia, its root is known for potential immune-boosting properties. Astragalus becomes a foundational element, anchoring the blend in holistic wellness. Siberian Ginseng, an adaptogenic herb from the Siberian forests, adds a harmonious touch. Recognised for its adaptogenic properties, it may assist the body in adapting to stress and promoting overall balance.

Brewing Guide/ Directions of use


The story begins with the invigorating notes of Mate, its earthy richness sets the stage for a blend that will unfold as a melody of health and wellness. Mullein Herb steps in as the soothing interlude, harvested from meadows and hillsides. Its velvety leaves are known for their calming properties, offering a gentle respite amidst the energising notes of mate. Echinacea, with its vibrant purple petals, weaves a protective shield into the blend. Traditionally revered for its potential immune-supporting properties, echinacea adds depth and purpose, contributing to the wellness-focused narrative. Lemon Myrtle, with its zesty and uplifting aroma, joins the ensemble. Sourced from the Australian rainforests, its citrusy notes add brightness and a refreshing quality to the blend. Astragalus, a revered herb in traditional Chinese medicine, brings rooted resilience to the story. Harvested from the vast landscapes of Asia, its root is known for potential immune-boosting properties. Astragalus becomes a foundational element, anchoring the blend in holistic wellness. Siberian Ginseng, an adaptogenic herb from the Siberian forests, adds a harmonious touch. Recognised for its adaptogenic properties, it may assist the body in adapting to stress and promoting overall balance.

Potential Health Benefit

  • Immune Support
  • Energise and Focus
  • Rich Antioxidants
  • Anti-Inflammatory
  • Antimicrobial

Whilst there is some scientific research indicating that tea may offer various health benefits, please note that all the information provided on this website is for informational purposes only. It should not be regarded as a replacement for medical advice, and it is not intended to be utilized as the primary method for treating any medical conditions or health concerns.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Tastes great, feels good.


*World Tea Brewing Championship

Tea and its Origin

Our passion for tea goes beyond the beverage itself and encompasses a deep appreciation for the places it comes from and the people who grow it. Our personalised customer service reflects our commitment to sharing the journey of tea with our customers, providing them with a unique and memorable experience that goes beyond just drinking tea.

More than just a cup of tea

We believe that tea is not just a beverage, but a journey that connects us to the land, the people, and the traditions behind each cup. Our single origin teas are a reflection of that journey, and we take great pride in bringing the best of the tea world to our customers.

Tea and its Origin

Our passion for tea goes beyond the beverage itself and encompasses a deep appreciation for the places it comes from and the people who grow it. Our personalised customer service reflects our commitment to sharing the journey of tea with our customers, providing them with a unique and memorable experience that goes beyond just drinking tea.

More than just a cup of tea

We believe that tea is not just a beverage, but a journey that connects us to the land, the people, and the traditions behind each cup. Our single origin teas are a reflection of that journey, and we take great pride in bringing the best of the tea world to our customers.