We say homemade, but where’s the kitchen? 

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Proof is in the pudding. Finding quality drinking powders is difficult, they're overly sweet, full of mysterious ingredients and just taste.. basic. We make it easy for you by making it hard for ourselves. 

The secret of our blends is a secret (shhh) but we always get asked - how? The answer is simple. 100% raw ingredients. 100% natural. Zero nasties and zero additives

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Blended by our wonderful staff, our Kakaoda Drinking Chocolate uses TWO types of raw Cacao, raw cane sugar (to give a nutty and deep flavour) and just a pinch of salt to bring the marriage together. 

Buy chocolate from DRINKING CHOCOLATE

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The Urban Chai loved by many is a much more complicated process. Take 11 Spices and make them agree with one another, you will find its not very easy. Thats why we took the time to nail it, blending and matching and tasting and adjusting until we KNEW it was the best chai out there. (Matched only by our loose Bombay dry chai)

Buy chai tea from CHAI TEA POWDER

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Matcha (matcha powdered tea) - Renown for its major health benefits. Shop bought matcha powders will claim all the health benefits and give you none; we take raw high grade matcha and balance it with our organic cane sugar. Thats it - thats all there is. Why our Matcha Man though? Because it would be silly not to. 

Buy green tea powder from MATCHA POWDER
Try our powder tea now! Buy DRINKING POWDERS 

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